November 21, 2023

KEPLER RETAIL INDEX (KRI) week ending 19/11/2023

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Discover key insights in the latest KRI (Kepler Retail Index) update for the week ending 19/11/2023.


Overall traffic and sales remain suppressed compared with last year, but with some positive signs as we head into the Black Friday week.


1.     Shopfront conversion continues to remain strong (up 6.3% on comparative week last year) with growth on last year across the last 28 weeks, demonstrating that although passer-by traffic continues to remain down (-8.2% versus comparative week last year) the quality of this traffic is better

2.     Sales conversion rate was down this week (-4.6% on comparative week last year) but has improved significantly from last week (-9.7%)

3.     Average transaction values have remained in positive growth for the last three weeks (up 1.7% this week)