Introducing Alan Miltz

B.Sc. B.Com(Hon) CA
Co-founder Cash Flow Story

Alan Miltz has dedicated his life to helping business leaders and everyone in their team love the numbers. Revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity and Cash is king (or queen) are usually his opening words.

Alan is a co-author of the global best-selling book by Verne Harnish, Scaling Up (having written the financial component of the book).

Alan believes that running a business is like managing a sports team, everyone needs to know the score. Every business wants to scale up their profit, cash and value. The Power of One developed by Alan and the team at Cash Flow Story is the code of your company. How many 1% or 1-day changes do you need to make to achieve your desired financial results.

Everything Alan has developed has had one common theme – to make the complex simple. As a founder of Inmatrix (known as Optimist software) in 1998, which is now the global standard for over 500 banks in more than 50 countries. And more recently co-founding Cash Flow Story which allows non-financial individuals to easily analyse and improve business Profit, Cash & Value. This has helped 1000’s of businesses to scale 2xProfit, 3xCash and 10xBusiness Value.

Alan has been voted best speaker in Australia for TEC (the world’s largest CEO forum) and continues to speak at many CEO conferences globally including: CEO syndicate in Australia, Entrepreneurs Organisation and YPO. He also sits on the boards of 15 well-recognised companies globally.


Making Financials and Cashflow Easy and Simple

Alan will cover:

  • Creating a simple process that Finance, Strategy, Marketing, HR and Operations will understand and be able to follow.
  • Creating a common language so all key management
    can discuss financial performance using the same language.
  • Creating crystal clear financial visibility, so everybody
    can understand how to improve performance.
Alan Miltz is the speaker who has had the largest impacton my life so far. The take away was that it is possible tounderstand my business as a whole and craft a businessthat works by watching and moving just a few key levers ata time. It has completely change my life.
David Bartholomeusz
Founder Griffin Alliance
One of the best business presenters I have ever been privileged to see and hear.
Hon. Alan Stockdale
Former Treasurer, (VIC)


Terry Hawkins

Ignite Worldwide, Custodian & Navigator

Host and Speaker

Terry Hawkins has  built an international reputation as a transformative and insightful speaker & facilitator – often quoted as being able to significantly shift an entire audience to action, from the CEO across to the frontline. She was inducted into the Hall of Fame as “Educator of the Year” for the National Speakers Association in Australia in 2010, and is the author of Why Wait to Be Great?: It’s Either Now or Too Late.

Alan Miltz

Founder, CashFlow Story


Alan Miltz has dedicated his life to helping business leaders and everyone in their team love the numbers. Revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity and Cash is king (or queen) are usually his opening words.

Alan is a co-author of the global best-selling book by Verne Harnish, Scaling Up (having written the financial component of the book).

Alan believes that running a business is like managing a sports team, everyone needs to know the score. Every business wants to scale up their profit, cash and value. The Power of One developed by Alan and the team at Cash Flow Story is the code of your company. How many 1% or 1-day changes do you need to make to achieve your desired financial results.

Kepler Analytics

Client Success Team

  1. Using Kepler to identify store sales opportunities
  2. Advanced reporting dashboards
  3. Big box retail advanced analysis – customer journey & zone affinities
  4. Making Kepler your stores’ action trigger engine

Kepler Analytics

Development Team


Kepler’s development road map, where we are headed, 6 -12, 24 months

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