Introducing Terry Hawkins

Education Architect
Custodian & Navigator
IGNITE-Worldwide (Retail Education)

For over 30 years, Terry Hawkins been a pioneer in the design and implementation of powerful education systems for a client list that reads like a Who’s Who!

She is often described as one of the most impactful influencers in the retail and services education space, helping organisations achieve double digit increases, significant reductions in staff churn and, surprisingly, pilfering as well. As a pioneer of empathy based education systems, she spearheaded integrity-centred sales, customer service, leadership, and connection skills education systems, all within a KPI obsessed industry.

Most “training & development” initiatives fail to deliver long term because they lack the ability to give tangible value to both the employee and the company. By synthesizing the intellectual, emotional, and philosophical components  of retail education, Terry has been successful in achieving sustainable, impressive results.

Terry was and is way ahead of the curve, bringing her creative talents to an industry renowned for employing outmoded ideas.

As an Aussie Ex-pat, Terry now resides in the USA with her two adult sons, and her company IGNITE-Worldwide bridges across both countries.

A big and longtime fan of Kepler Analytics, Terry is excited about hosting and speaking at the Retailer Success User Conference in October, and can’t wait for an amazing day of learning!


The Marriage of DATA and Human DESIGN!

Retail is in the midst of tumultuous times. With a workforce overdosing on “data”, human connection at an all-time low, and “talent shortage” being everyone’s greatest challenge – how do we bring about a union between these confronting elements, especially amidst hyper-sensitivity?

In this highly engaging, eye opening keynote, Terry Hawkins will share her profound insights into why retail is at a very dangerous crossroads, and what we can do about it. Using 30 years of research, and her experience working with hundreds of thousands of people, Terry will cover:

  • What is “effective” L&D?
  • Why “best practice” is often just stolen goods!
  • The dangers of Tribal Development and Preferential Leadership
  • The Servant & the Master – the 5 P’s of a powerful retail business
  • The SF/\LB Leadership Model and the fracture points of many cultures
“Terry is one of a kind, and only those fortunate enough to have worked with Terry will understand her ability to provide a truly transformational experience, for the long term. Terry’s life’s work has been to see our customers and employees as complete humans, and to educate us on how to truly connect with the whole person; it seems like the world has just caught up! As long as I have known her she has always been well ahead of the crowd. In a post-COVID world where leading with empathy and connection will be critical to retain and engage our people and customers, there could not be a more relevant time for Terry’s work.”
Christie Lockyer
Head of HR - Asia Pacific Boardriders


Terry Hawkins

Ignite Worldwide, Custodian & Navigator

Host and Speaker

Terry Hawkins has  built an international reputation as a transformative and insightful speaker & facilitator – often quoted as being able to significantly shift an entire audience to action, from the CEO across to the frontline. She was inducted into the Hall of Fame as “Educator of the Year” for the National Speakers Association in Australia in 2010, and is the author of Why Wait to Be Great?: It’s Either Now or Too Late.

Alan Miltz

Founder, CashFlow Story


Alan Miltz has dedicated his life to helping business leaders and everyone in their team love the numbers. Revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity and Cash is king (or queen) are usually his opening words.

Alan is a co-author of the global best-selling book by Verne Harnish, Scaling Up (having written the financial component of the book).

Alan believes that running a business is like managing a sports team, everyone needs to know the score. Every business wants to scale up their profit, cash and value. The Power of One developed by Alan and the team at Cash Flow Story is the code of your company. How many 1% or 1-day changes do you need to make to achieve your desired financial results.

Kepler Analytics

Client Success Team

  1. Using Kepler to identify store sales opportunities
  2. Advanced reporting dashboards
  3. Big box retail advanced analysis – customer journey & zone affinities
  4. Making Kepler your stores’ action trigger engine

Kepler Analytics

Development Team


Kepler’s development road map, where we are headed, 6 -12, 24 months

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