April 19, 2021

KEPLER RETAIL INDEX (KRI) week ending 18/04/2021 upgraded KRI functionality

This week in our KRI summary we saw mostly steady traffic outside and inside vs last week, but on the upside were sales and ATV showing two consecutive weeks of positive growth.

Upgraded KRI – Comparing data with a two year lag
For those of you that are full KRI users, we have upgraded its functionality with a new comparison graph “Year on Year Change % (with two year lag). This was created to allow you to ignore the anomaly that was 2020 and compare results from two years prior.

This functionality is now live for current KRI users, just log in as usual to access the new feature. If you are not a current KRI user you can register your interest here.


Click on the image to enlarge

If you would like to see the full capability of our KRI, register below for a FREE Demo.